Monday, April 25, 2011

Monster Portfolio 2011 Week 15 Results/1 yr Anniversary of Blog


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 14 04/22/11
$2,112.50 Stock
$51.96 Cash
Total $2,164.46

Excluding cash inflow of $255.50 we have a balance of $1,908.96. I’m fighting back tooth and nail.  I'm up +2.88% from last weeks results.

Since Inception: -4.12%

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Weatherford International (WFT)

Last week worked out pretty well! Apple (AAPL) destroyed earnings and revitalized the Monster Portfolio. Apple is on fire generating $24.67 billion in revenues this quarter, with a profit of $5.99 billion. That is a record on both numbers. That is a ton of money. I listened to the earnings call and the CFO Peter Oppenheimer was extremely upbeat. They had record revenues in a single quarter for the iPhone. They sold 18.65 million iPhones. This is their leading product and it continues to be the top seller. Sales for the iPhone increased 113% compared to last year’s Q2 Results. That’s amazing growth rate! Don’t forget about the iPad 2. The demand for the iPad 2 is taking hold. They shipped every iPad 2 they could possibly produce in excess of 4 million units. Although this number was light the demand continues to be overwhelming. Tim Cook the COO of Apple was very confident they will be able to produce a very large number of iPad 2’s for the 3rd qtr. The pipeline continues to be strong and I believe Q3 will be another strong quarter for Apple. I enjoy listening to the earning calls because they give listeners an edge. You can tell if the company is excited vs. misleading. When a CEO/CFO/COO beat around the bush you know something is up. Everything about this call was very upbeat. For me as a shareholder a strong management team adds confidence in my purchase of Apple stock. The numbers were great and the stock price doesn’t reflect of how well Apple performed. I’m looking for a gradual upturn in the stock price very soon. Let’s go!

Now onto my second company Weatherford International (WFT). This company confuses me. The numbers were terrible. They came in with a low number of $78 million for the 1st qtr or $0.10 a share well below the analyst expectations of $0.19 a share. The earnings call consisted of tax charges, after-tax severance, and investigation costs. Not sure what WFT is trying to do, but I believe all of the negative news is priced into the stock. Normally I would cut and run, but the future for this company is promising. They just need to cut out the 1 time charges. The bright spot was the North American business.  North America was stronger than expected and should continue through the remainder of 2011. The sore spot was the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia business. Revenues decreased $109 million sequentially, which means it dropped drastically from last qtr. Europe, West Africa, FSU, and Latin America were all dogs as well compared to the previous qtr. WFT was gradually gaining my confidence, but with this fiasco they have been knocked down a few notches. I still have confidence and the current share price is very enticing. Next qtr earnings are to be between $0.15 to $0.17 a share. I still want to hold onto WFT. International operations were very poor, but the numbers can only go up from here.  Increased drilling activity due to high oil prices should keep WFT busy for the remainder of 2011 and into 2012.  It's a no brainer even if they had a dog of a qtr. I’m a buyer!

Well that’s all I have for tonight. We still have many weeks of earnings to go. Caterpillar the Peoria Powerhouse is set to report on Friday. $$$. I almost forgot! Today is the official 1 year anniversary of my blog the Stock Market Monster! I appreciate everyone that has been along for the ride. Your input is very welcome. I hope the information that I have provided has helped everyone with their investment portfolios. Or at least I was able to provide some sort of entertainment value. LOL! I’m here to stay. Now if I could only get my portfolio to take off.  2011 should continue to be a great year for stocks!


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