Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Updates later this week. Catching up after long vacation

Hello Folks! I will update the Monster Portfolio 2011 later this week. I'm already 2 weeks behind, but I'm playing catch up. I just got back from vacation yesterday and I'm exhausted. That means I'm not really thinking clearly right now. I do know that Westport Innovations (WPRT) blew up while I was gone and has recently retreated. What a move! Apple is being a dog, which I'm not concerned about and Weatherford International (WFT) is back where I bought it a few weeks ago. So it looks like I'm spinning my wheels for the time being. I did appreciate the sharp decline in oil prices today. I will be happy once the price gets back below $100 a barrel. I just bought a new SUV about a month ago and I cringe at the bill after it's all said and done. At least we have progress in the right direction for oil!

Have a great day!

P.S. Don't ever fly with Spirit Airlines.  They are terrible!


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