Sunday, April 17, 2011

Monster Portfolio 2011 Week 12, 13, 14 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 11 04/01/11
$2177.08 Stock
$.46 Cash
Total $2,177.54

Excluding cash inflow of $204.00 we have a balance of $1,973.54

Since Inception: -.08%

Balance: End of Week 12 04/08/11
$2103.98 Stock
$17.46 Cash
Total $2,121.44

Excluding cash inflow of $221.00 we have a balance of $1,900.44

Since Inception: -4.54% (This brings tears to my eyes)

Balance: End of Week 13 04/15/11
$2058.98 Stock
$51.96 Cash
Total $2,110.94

Excluding cash inflow of $255.50 we have a balance of $1,855.44

Since Inception: -6.80% (This # is straight unacceptable!) 

Down -6.80% seems like a lot, but its only $135.53. Well I’m hurting for sure. I went on vacation and look what happens! WFT back tracked around where I bought the stock and Apple has been performing extremely doggish. This week both Apple and Weatherford report their earnings. Apple is set for Wednesday 04/20/11 and Weatherford will be on stage Thursday 04/21/2011. This week will make or break my portfolio! If either AAPL or WFT disappoints the analysts I will be digging out of a hole for the remainder of the year. I will be the road commission guy you see digging a hole on the side of the road, while the rest of my fellow coworkers stand and watch me work. (I know some of you have seen this while driving past a construction zone) It’s unfortunate, but it’s a real possibility! LOL! I’m confident this will not be the case, but I’m very anxious to see how these 2 powerhouse companies have performed. Remember there is a reason why Apple is the 2nd largest company by market capitalization! It’s because the big money believes that Apple will continue to outperform the market. Nothing has changed! As for Weatherford I have no doubt they will make money this quarter. With crude oil above $100 a barrel WFT will make a ton of my money for the remainder of 2011 and into 2012. I will either be thrilled or crying the next time I’m post. We will have to wait and see. LOL!

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Weatherford International (WFT)

Happy Trading!


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