Sunday, September 26, 2010

Solid Week For The Stock Market

I will be brief today as I'm celebrating my Dad's Birthday!  Happy Birthday Dad!

What more can I say?  The stock market had a very solid week.  Friday sealed the deal with another great trading day allowing the NASDAQ and the S&P 500 to finish up over 2% on the day, with the DJIA just shy of 1.9%.  The optimism is here!  Investors have become more willing to invest their hard earned dollars and this week was another sign of hope for the future of higher stock prices.

Also, I would like to mention that 2 of my Monster Status stocks continue to be working.  Those 2 stocks would be Apple and Caterpillar.  Just Friday they both hit their 52 week high.

Apple (AAPL) 52 week high $292.32
Cat (CAT) 52 week high $79.93

These 2 stocks are a must own in every one's portfolio.  Other honorable mention is Weatherford International (WFT).  This stock has moved off its 52 week low of $12.34 and its moved up to its highest closing price in 4 months of $17.26 on Friday.  I still continue to believe in this stock.  This stock is moving in an upward trend and should continue higher as we get closer to earnings season.  If you haven't noticed I continue to focus on the same stocks.  I do this because I believe they have the greatest potential for gains and if the investment outlook changes paths I will change my mind. Until then I will back all of recommendations.  Soon we will be coming up on our 6 month mark for the stock prediction game.  I'm telling you in advance that some of my picks I will be replacing with other stocks that have a greater potential of making money.  I won't mention any names, but a couple of stocks have turned out to be dogs.  I don't have time to be wasting money for myself and others.  So be ready for a new and improved stock list coming in late October/Early November.

Well that's all I have for today!  The stock market is looking good.  Look for stocks to sell off next week and maybe a few buying opportunities will arise from a much needed sell off.


Monster Status (definition of stocks I currently like)

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