Sunday, September 19, 2010

Serious Sunday! Personal Finance Is No Joke!

I'm calling this post Serious Sunday.  This is something that I must address because it's very important to me to share my opinion about money and the reason I believer investing in stocks is the best vehicle for financial success.  But in order to invest you have to have money to begin with. 

Think about all the problems that money creates.  Think about how money affects your every day life.  What do we use to buy things?  Money!  How do we put gas in our car? Money!  Almost everything we do in life is tied to money, but yet most people don't pay attention to their finances.  Many could care less.  I'm here to say that is how you get into trouble.  Here are some hard truths.  Money is the number 1 cause of divorce! (Thanks Dave Ramsey).  Not everyone has a high paying job.  That's Life!  The sad truth is its not what you know its who you know!  You may never have a high paying job or even care to since more money usually entails a higher likelihood of responsibility.  Money isn't evil! It all depends on what you do with your money.  Without excess money you can't help yourself or others.  "Broke Ain't Cool" (Juvenile famous rapper)

The key to having money is planning for your future.  I'm tired of hearing the excuses of the general public not having any money.  The United States has a wealth of opportunities to make a living and yet were still broke.  Could this be because we are living above are means.  I think so!  I just watched  a movie last night called "The Jone$es"  It's a perfect example of what people do.  Keeping up with the Joneses!  That saying has been around for years. The Jone$es was very entertaining and a highly recommend this movie. Basically it refers to people who buy things to impress their neighbors and portray themselves as being rich.  Keeping up with the Joneses is a recipe for  disaster!  This is the reason why credit is a billionaire dollar industry! 

Retail stores make more money off credit card interest than they do with some of the products they sell!  You may think your getting a deal when the cashier asks if you would like to open a store credit card and save 15% today.  That day maybe!  In the long run those stores will make their money back and then some from all the interest made on those cards.  If they didn't make money they would be out of business.  It's all about marketing!  Ever thought about why the grocery store puts milk and bread on the opposite side of the store?  It gives them a higher probability that you will buy something along the way since most people buy milk and bread on a weekly basis.  Marketers get paid big money to find out what people like. That's how sales are created.

The resolution to all of this is think about your future.  Being a slave to the credit card companies is robbing you of your resources.  Instead of paying them you could be paying yourself and investing for your future.  A new pair of jeans can wait! Starbucks?  Not this time! I should pack my lunch instead of spending $7.00 today!  That's $35.00 a week.  $140.00 a month.  $1,680.00 a year.  Invest that money for 30 years averaging 12% that will put you at $454,091.58.  Now that's a high quality mistake!  McDonald's is good, but not that good!  You see its all about the choices we make in life.  If you want to have money make a choice to spend less than you make and invest for your future.  Imagine that eating out everyday for 30 years could cost you a ton a money in retirement or on a serious note your life!  When you get older medical bills will rise.  If you have no money to cover your medication or surgeries you could potentially end up broke at the age of 65 living on social security.  People social security isn't much!  Don't rely on social security because I'm definitely not! Social Security isn't properly funded and will run out before I even reach retirement age.

The only person that can change your finances is YOU!  It's the choices in life that can make us or break us!  It's up to you to determine your financial future. No one else.  I take my finances very seriously!  I'm taking the steps to do what's best for my family.  I suggest everyone do the same!  I'm making the choice to not go out to eat as much.  Not to buy that new big screen TV.  I wish I could have the new iPad or latest and greatest car. Deep down inside I know that I can go without these things for a while.  It's a want.  Not a need!  If I want to buy something I will save up for it.  That's what are grandma's use to do.  I'm making the choice to not pay the credit card companies and the banks.  I want the money! Not them.  Cash is king!  If I don't have the money I don't spend it.  It's as easy as that!  The less money you give to the banks the more money you will have to invest for the future. The best vehicle hands down is investing in stocks.  Make a plan and stick to it!

This post was intended for those that needed a little push to get the ball rolling.  Personal fiance is no joke!  If you have little money left over there is no way to invest.  You have to have money to invest.  The best way to do this is quick giving your money to the credit card companies and the banks. Save instead of being a slave!

Have a great Sunday! 



  1. Clay,

    This is another great post filled with good advice!
    Check out the Nasdaq stock MALL.


  2. Thank you for the support! I will definitely check out MALL. Little bit of a sell off today! We will be back on track in a few days.

