Monday, May 9, 2011

Monster Portfolio 2011 Week 17 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 16 05/06/11
$2,059.98 Stock
$104.46 Cash
Total $2,164.44

Excluding cash inflow of $308.00 we have a balance of $1,856.44.  1 step forward and then 2 steps back. LOL!

Since Inception: -6.75% (And the beat goes on!)

Well Oil took a hit and so did my portfolio last week. WFT lost me a little over $50.00 which is about a 3% hit to the downside. On a positive note gas prices are below $4.00 a gallon. From my last purchase of gas at $4.23 compared to today’s purchase of $3.97 I’m saving $0.26 a gallon. So I purchase about 10 gallons a fill up and my wife is around 12 gallons. In total that’s 22 gallons, with a savings of $5.72 a week. It’s not much, but it will take about 9 weeks to recoup my losses. In 9 weeks WFT should be well above the $22.50 mark and I will more than make my money back. With lower gas prices oil drilling will continue to be strong as the demand for oil carries on.  With crude above $110.00 a barrel it creates demand destruction, but with $90.00 oil there is plenty of money for oil related stocks to turn some hefty profits!

Well the results are in the 1 year performance of the prediction game I started back on April 29th 2010 are locked in. My stock picks returned a solid 23.37%. I will have all the comparisons over the next few days vs. the market. Stay tuned!

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL) my take- Buy Buy Buy!
Cosi Inc. (COSI) my take- sleeper good long term play
Weatherford International (WFT) my take-Buy Buy Buy!

Have a great night!


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