Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monster Portfolio 2011 Week 26 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 25 07/08/11
$1,260.93 Stock
$1,117.47 Cash
Total $2,378.40

Since Inception: -3.92% excluding cash inflow

I’m getting closer to breaking even!  I’m sad to say I sold out the rest of Westport Innovations (WPRT) on Wednesday of last week at $24.45 a share.  WPRT took a big hit yesterday and I was hoping to slide back in over the next couple days.  Unfortunately, I will not get that chance because of the exciting news that Chesapeake Energy (CHK) will invest $150 million into Clean Energy (CLNE) the infrastructure play on natural gas.  What does this have to do with Westport?  According to yahoo finance linked through cnbc.com


“The plan is to ultimately build 150 stations along interstate highways to provide natural gas, as well as put pumps into existing truck stops.”  This is great news for Westport as it’s one step closer to push the acceptance of natural gas into the United States.  Click on the link above to read the full story.  With the current close of $26.30 up 8.59% on the day I gave up roughly a $40.00 gain.  I’m not too upset as I’m sure I helped some of you make some serious money over the past few weeks with WPRT.  I continue to back WPRT, but I would not chase this stock at its current level.  In the meantime I will have to sit on the sidelines and hope this dynamite stock pulls back to a level I’m comfortable with putting money to work! 

As of today I reinvested some of my money back into the out of favor oil service company Weatherford International (WFT).  I can’t and will not give up on this company!  They have too much potential, as they are set perfectly to take advantage of elevated oil prices.  I’m hoping the stock will trade down into the low to mid 17’s.  If I don’t get that opportunity I will gladly add to my position reaching no farther than a high 17 price point.  Sometimes you have to make a big bet on an ugly stock!  My recent purchase of WFT will not reflect in my portfolio until next week.

Have a great night!     

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Weatherford International (WFT)


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