Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monster Portfolio 2011 Week 25 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 24 07/01/11
$1,727.04 Stock
$593.53 Cash
Total $2,320.57

Since Inception: -5.94% excluding cash inflow

Thank you Westport Innovations!  Since I made a bet on WPRT a few weeks ago I was able to bring the monster portfolio back from a massive deficit.  Last week I was able to gain +9.87% with WPRT doing the heavy lifting.  In 2 weeks I went from being down -20.16% to narrowing my losses to a sweet -5.94%.  It was pretty grim for awhile. LOL!  I still have plenty of time to get back into the green on the year.  I’m determined to do so!

Last week was phenomenal for stocks.  From the recent strength in stocks I was able to sell a large position in WPRT.  I still like the stock, but when a company increases in value +16.5% in 5 days you would be crazy not to lock in some profits.  Now that I have some cash on hand I will be set up for the next money making opportunity.  Stocks are back in favor and money should continue to flow back into the stock market.  Especially my favorite stock Apple.  Since Apple bottomed on June 20th it has run up +10.81% as of today’s closing price of $349.43. $$$ I also have refocused my attention back to Weatherford International (WFT).  The current price is still below the insider purchase that occurred back on 05/17/11 at $19.18 a share.  I may start a position in WFT with some weakness over the next few days.  With earnings right around the corner WFT should gradually work its way higher. 

As you can tell I always work my way back to my favorite stocks.  If a company continues to make me money I’m happy.  Why change a good thing?   

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Westport Innovations (WPRT)


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