Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monster Portfolio 2011 Week 11 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: Week 10 03/28/11
$2074.83 Stock
$58.16 Cash
Total $2,132.99

Excluding cash inflow of $187.00 we have a balance of $1,945.99. Coming back! I need a fire to light under Apple and Weatherford. Weatherford (WFT) was smoking today!  Up +4.28%.  I picked up some more WFT this morning.  I didn't get it for a rock bottom price, but I'm happy with the closing price.  With the recent news of increased production of oil in Saudi Arabia, WFT should get a nice lift in it's stock price over the next few months, as WFT has a strong presence in the Middle East.  Remember this stock was trading in excess of $26.00 a share roughly 6 weeks ago.  WFT has plenty of room to run.  For all of you that follow charts this appears to be the 2nd day of a bullish upward trend.  With trading volume in excess of 27 Million shares today, I'd say someone is buying this stock like crazy.  I don't like to chase stocks, but I believe WFT will continue to go up. It feels good to have both Apple and WFT up on the same day. Maybe I will finally get a break with the Monster Portfolio 2011! 

Since Inception: -2.26%

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Weatherford International (WFT)

Have a great night!


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