Monday, January 10, 2011

Monster Portfolio 2011 Begins!

Here we go!

Today is the official day that the Monster Portfolio 2011 is underway. As of Friday 01/07/11 the beginning balance of the portfolio is shown below.  If you missed my post from last Thursday here is the link



$1977.32 Stock

$13.65 Cash

Total $1990.97

Current Holdings:  (WFT) Weatherford International and (COSI) Cosi

Just so happens my portfolio was hit a bit today, but no big deal as that is what usually occurs when I start recommending companies. LOL!

Let's see what happens!

Also, I deposited $17.00 today into the account, which will be reflected in the portfolio balance at the end of the week.  I will have the percentage gains/losses all figured out at the end of each trading week. 

Earnings season is underway.  Here is a list of my favorites reporting over the next couple of weeks/month

(INTC) Intel- Thursday 01/13/11
(KMP) Kinder Morgan Energy Partners Monday 01/17/11
(AAPL) Apple- Tuesday 01/18/11
(GS) Goldman Sachs- Wednesday 01/19/11
(GOOG) Google- Thursday 01/20/11
(WFT) Weatherford International- Tuesday 01/25/11
(CAT) Caterpillar- Thursday 01/27/11
(WPRT) Westport Innovations- Monday 02/07/11
(COSI) Cosi Inc. TBD
(SODA) SodaStream International TBD

All data was pulled from yahoo finance US earnings calendar

Thank You,


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