Sunday, August 15, 2010

What Do You Want To Know About Investing? Anyone Interested in Personal Finance?

Good Afternoon!

Today I would like to find out what you want to know about investing or what topic you would like me to discuss in the near future.

Obviously, I'm new to blogging and I'm trying to build my readership.  I don't want to write about something that no one is interested in.  So please send me your feedback.  Post a comment of your topic of interest or send a direct email to

I'm here to answer all your questions and improve your education on stocks and investing.  Here is a list of topics that may be of interest

1. Retirement
2. Individual Stocks
3. Mutual Funds
4. Index Funds
5. Small Cap Stocks
6. Mid Cap Stocks
7. Large Cap Stocks
8. Dividends
9. Bond Funds
10. How to do your own research
11. How to purchase a stock
12. When to buy a stock
13. When to sell a stock
14. What books to read to get started in investing
15. Reviews on investment books
16. Personal Finance (Actually goes hand in hand with investing)
17. How to manage risk in investing
18. What is the stock market
19. Investing for College
20. Dividend paying stocks

These are general topics and I can elaborate in much more detail if requested.  If you don't see your topic or have a different question please let me know.  I've also noticed that a great deal of people have personal finance questions.  With the economy the way it is finding money to invest can be difficult.  I have been in the same boat and have experienced the ups and downs.  If I have enough interest I may launch a personal finance blog as this would help others build a solid financial base in order to invest.  With lots of debt it's counterproductive to invest.  If this would be something of interest please send your feedback.  I'm full of information and I'm ready to answer your questions.  This is fun to me! Ask me anything!

One last thing.  I appreciate everyone that has shown interest in my blog and I would like to say Thank You!  If feels good to know that I'm helping others.  Investing and personal finance is a passion of mine and it would be wrong for me not to share my thoughts and ideas.  Money is essential to everyday life and being in control of your money is a must. 

On that note I don't want to put anyone on the spot, but I know more than 16 people follow this blog.  If  you haven't joined as a follower please do so as this shows the increased readership.  This helps me determine if I'm doing a good job.  Without readership this blog means nothing.  So click that follow button if you haven't already done so.  Once again I really appreciate the support of my followers!

Thank You,


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