Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blog On Auto Pilot

For the next 6 weeks or so the content for my blog will be limited.  I have decided I need to focus on other areas of my life.  My time has been limited for stocks and without the extensive research I put into my posts I believe the content will not be beneficial to all my readers.  I need to regain focus and address my other responsibilities in life. Basically I'm burnt out at the moment.  Sometimes we all need a break.  This is the right thing to do for myself over the next 6 weeks or so.  I have an up and coming cruise in April and I need to focus on my fitness. Working out once or twice a week doesn't cut it.  I plan on spending a substantial amount of time in the gym.  I will continue to post the end of the week results for the Monster Portfolio 2011 and occasional short posts, but my content will be unpredictable.  If I write something you will know.  Check back occasionally for my buy lists (stocks I like).  If you have any questions send me an email at and if your on facebook shoot me a message and I will respond.

Have a great day!


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