Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stock Evaluation On Hold (WPRT)

Sorry folks, but I'm still working on what to look for when evaluating a company for a potential investment!

It has taken a little longer than expected.  I would like to mention that Westport Innovations (WPRT) dropped the ball a bit this quarter.  However,  they have plenty of orders to fulfill in the pipeline.  A company like this is working towards profitability.  Sometimes a company falters on its way to the top.  I haven't had a chance to listen to the conference call, but  WPRT did get a nice bounce today up 3.44% after it was destroyed on Wednesday.  I wouldn't count this company out.   I realize it hasn't performed very well in the past few months, but that is what makes it a great investment.  Westport's growth story is still intact.  Yes the energy bill is a toss up, but Westport is making progress.  On a side note I have seen Joe Soros or should I say Soros Fund Management increase it's stake from 1,830,901 shares to 3,256,910.  That is a 77.8% increase in shares.  This occurred from March 31st to last reporting date of September 30 2010. (according to yahoo finance) This may have changed as of lately, but I don't think Joe Soros would give up that easy.

Thats all for tonight! 

I'm interested to see how many iPhones Apple will sell over the next few days. Hopefully, they will release the numbers sometime next week.


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