Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dow Jones Up +103.84 Today! Not Bad.

Finally we had the stock market move to the upside!  That is what happens with indecision. Indecision creates a perfect opportunity for buyers to jump in when stock prices are low.  Big point gains happen when you least expect it.  Maybe it was because I was bored. LOL!  The new technical indicator should be the Clayton Boredom Indicator. In all seriousness I have experienced a feeling of disgust many times and yesterday was one of those times.  This happens to be the perfect time to buy. It's time to buy when the news is bad and fear is in the air. 

Well that's it for today.  Just wanted to shed some positive light on the stock market.  It has been a long time coming!  Oh yeah I forget nice job to anyone that had Potash (POT) on the possible takeover bid by BHP drove this stock up 27.66% to close up $31.02 a share at $143.17.  See!  This kind of opportunity is possible when you invest in the stock market. I love it!


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