Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monster Portfolio Week 41 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 40 10/21/11
$2,444.80 Stock
$12.05 Cash
Total $2,456.85

Since Inception: -7.01%

Back out cash inflow and we have a balance of $1,851.35. 

I thought I would have some good things to say today, but the negative day in the market has overshadowed my enthusiasm.  Yesterday on the other hand was very exciting and I contribute the market rally to the Peoria Powerhouse!  That's right!  Good ole Caterpillar (CAT). CAT reported an all time record with revenue coming in at $15.7 Billion and earnings of a $1.71 per share.  They also raised their 2011 outlook slightly with higher revenue of $58 Billion and a profit of $6.75 a share.  For 2012 they gave a pretty decent guidance with revenues roughly 10-20% higher than 2011.  That being said Caterpillar should be bought as its currently cheap, trading at a P/E of 14.87.  On top of that CAT pays a dividend that has a yield of 2.10%

Now let’s move onto my portfolio holdings, which consist of Apple (AAPL) and Weatherford International (WFT). Apple missed earnings and Weatherford was in line with the analysts earnings expectations, but did manage to exceed on the revenue side. I’m not going to talk much about WFT as I haven’t listened to the conference call.  Earnings seemed to reflect what the other oil service companies have reported, but it appears the outlook is uncertain.  On top of that WFT never really gave me an opportunity to sell a portion of my shares. I’m not too happy about that one!  Plain and simple WFT traded terribly this past week and I have yet to see this stock trade at its potential.  I will continue to hold onto WFT until I come up with a better reason to sell it. LOL!

As for Apple I have no worries.  I blame their earnings miss to a product hold out.  Everyone was patiently waiting for the new iPhone to come out and sales were negatively impacted.  Today the stock market continued to trade in fear as the concern over the outlook of Europe looms.  Europe has yet to release a plan to resolve their debt issues.  What a drag!

Have a great night!


“When in doubt buy more!”

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Weatherford International (WFT)


  1. Grrrman a.k.a. Catman (ha) likes this!

  2. CAT is where it's at! Hopefully Europe will have something good to say when I wake up tomorrow morning.

