Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Monster Portfolio Week 38 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 36 09/30/11
$2,137.62 Stock
$12.05 Cash
Total $2,149.67

Since Inception: -22.44%

Back out cash inflow and we have a balance of $1,544.17. 

It appears the stock market has tricked my logic once again!  When I can’t imagine stocks going lower, another brutal week occurs.  I apologize for anyone that has lost money with my advice, but frankly this market is out of control.  The looming issues in Europe have pored over into the U.S. equity market.  No stock was left untouched.  Investing has become a loser’s game in the short term.  I’m at the point where I have to stick to my stock picks and grind it out. 

I almost unloaded Apple (AAPL) today to bet the farm on Weatherford (WFT), but decided against that.  My bet would have worked out, but to sell Apple well off its high just didn’t feel right.  And I was a little upset that Apple didn’t release the iPhone 5.  LOL!  They did however introduce the new iPhone 4S, which looks identical to the iPhone 4, but with added features including a faster processer, new 8MP camera, IOS 5, iCloud, and the new intelligent phone assistant Siri.  Even though the iPhone 5 didn’t release today the new and improved iPhone 4S should help drive even higher sales for the iPhone.  My wife recently purchased an iPhone 4 and I have to say the phone is pretty sweet!

In closing please don’t lose faith in the stock market.  The last minute rally today in the market gave me hope that the trend will soon change.  Stocks are currently hostage to Europe, but I believe this issue will be addressed sooner than later.


“When in doubt buy more!”

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Weatherford International (WFT)

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