Monday, October 17, 2011

Monster Portfolio Week 40 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 39 10/14/11
$2,485.66 Stock
$12.05 Cash
Total $2,497.71

Since Inception: -4.96%

Back out cash inflow and we have a balance of $1,892.21. 

It was a very productive week for the stock market last week.  My portfolio performed amazingly!  With the strong movement in Apple (AAPL) and Weatherford (WFT) I was able to gain +14.19% vs. last week.  Yes that is a big run, but I believe my portfolio still has great upward potential.  Apple reports tomorrow and I expect nothing less than another strong quarter.  I’m interested to see if they have anything up and coming in the pipeline.  The iPhone 4S was a big hit as they reported selling more than 4 million phones in 3 days.  That is ridiculous!  That is all the information I need to confirm that this stock should be a solid investment for many quarters to come.

As for Weatherford I base my assumptions on the other oil service companies and their financial results.  Halliburton (HAL) reported strong earnings topping analyst estimates earnings with a 2 cent beat (0.94 vs. 0.92)   Though the stock sold off today I believe the energy bull market is here to stay.  The company to pay attention to is Schlumberger (SLB) as they are largest and most influential oil Service Company.  They set the trend.  SLB reports on Friday.   I believe HAL and SLB will help Weatherford have a short term pop to the upside over the next few days leading into earnings.  If this happens I will be selling a portion of my holdings into strength.  If I’m wrong I expect WFT to trade basically flat line/slightly lower and then pop on the day of earnings. WFT reports on Tuesday 10/25 so there are 6 more trading days to go!  I will be selling one way or another as my portfolio is highly leveraged with WFT.  I have to protect my portfolio in the short term.

P.S.  another great indicator that energy is here to stay is the recent announcement of Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMP) to acquire EL Paso Corp (EP) for $38 Billion to create the largest natural gas pipeline system in North America.  KMP popped +5.08%  Energy=$$$


“When in doubt buy more!”

Current Holdings:

Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Weatherford International (WFT)


  1. This is very good advice. I also am a strong believer that natural gas will be in all our futures.

  2. Thank You! Energy will be a market driver in the long term. Another big move by WFT today. Up 4.64% The trend is our friend!

