Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monster Portfolio Week 45 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 44 11/18/11
$4.95 Cash
Total $2,463.03

Since Inception: -6.70%

Back out cash inflow and we have a balance of $1,857.53

Well I tried! I recommended buying Westport Innovations (WPRT) 2 weeks ago and the gains have been totally wiped out.  On a positive note at least you can buy the stock cheaper.  I’m beyond upset of the stock market action over the past 5 days.  It seems nothing is working.  Yes there are some stocks that didn’t go down as much as others, but who wants to play that game?  I want to make money!  Not stand still spinning my wheels. 

I thought last week was a turning point for a lot of the growth stocks.  Most of the earnings have been reported and the numbers were actually quite good.  Then Europe hit the headlines and the fear of a global slowdown was back on the table.  Europe is the major reason stocks are unable to go higher.  The lack of European leadership has made investors very apprehensive.  On top of that the Super Committee couldn’t come up with a concrete plan to reduce the United States debt load.  $16+ trillion in debt is absurd.  I’m beginning to think Politicians are just a bunch of goons!  When you mess with my stock market your popularity points decrease rapidly. I’m not a happy camper!  My recommendation is to ride out your current holdings until the macro economic problems are resolved.  There is no use to try to time the market as the reversal in momentum will pass you by.  I can’t afford to miss any big upside moves for the rest of the year.  I’m aggressive and will be fully invested and active until the end of 2011.  My goal to have a 10% gain on the year is quickly approaching.

-I still really like Westport and I plan on picking up more in my other accounts.

-Apple (AAPL) stock is at ridiculous prices.  They are best in show and the Christmas season is here.  Nothing competes with the iPad.  I don’t care what anyone says! Buy this stock.

- Weatherford (WFT) was taken back down 16.65% over the past 10 trading days.  I believe this is short lived as I bought last Wednesday in the high 15’s.  I didn’t get the best price, but at least I’m in. Remember I’m confident in all of my stock picks as I invest my own hard earned money.  If you make money so do I and vise versa.

-If your worried about the volatility stick to dividend paying companies. 

Have a great night! 


“When in doubt buy more!”

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Weatherford International (WFT)
Westport Innovations (WPRT)

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