Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monster Portfolio Week 44 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 43 11/11/11
$2,495.64 Stock
$19.92 Cash
Total $2,510.56

Since Inception: -4.29%

Back out cash inflow and we have a balance of $1,905.06

Well I hope some of you read my piece on Westport Innovations (WPRT) last week!  In the last 5 days the stock has surged +10.79%.  Most of the gains came from today, but who’s counting. LOL! Money is money.  It’s definitely exciting to see a stock move rather quickly, but as many of you may know I always tend to sell into a big move like today.  Westport closed up +8.59% just a few minutes ago as I had the day off.  This means I was able to watch this stock blow up today.  Very exciting!

I was very busy today as I purchased more Apple (AAPL) as I believe the stock price is currently undervalued.  I also picked up some Westport in my other accounts.  Then as the day went on I ended up selling a portion of my Westport holdings in my Monster Portfolio.  The main reason is that I won’t be able to watch my accounts over the next few days due to limited internet access.  I would hate to come back on Sunday to see my portfolio lower because I failed to sell some of my stock.  

I just found out the recent surge in Westport may have something to do with a tax credit plan.  See for yourself.  http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Clean-Energy-Supports-bw-4144486892.html?x=0&l=1

It appears the tax credit for natural gas vehicles has been put back into play, which adds tremendous value to Westport.  Although, Westport moved rather dramatically I can almost bet that this trend will continue for another few days.  My recommendation is to watch the volume and if you see the stock waiver at all I would sell into strength. 

P.S.  For those of you who are looking for a great dividend yield I also picked up some Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMP) last week in my IRA.  Currently the dividend yield is at 6.20%.  This stock is great for people who like to sleep well at night. LOL!

(All research was done at yahoo finance)

Have a great night! 


“When in doubt buy more!”

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Weatherford International (WFT) (Sit tight with WFT it will go up eventually)
Westport Innovations (WPRT)


    Bought WPRT at $27.30, date 11-10-11.
    Sold WPRT at $30.75, date 11-16-11.
    Another happy ending, +13%.


  2. Congrats on the 13+% move. You sold out just in time! Next would still be WPRT. It's back to $27.46 a share. It's been a wild ride.

