Monday, August 8, 2011

Goodness!/Monster Portfolio 2011 Week 30 Results


Balance: Inception 01/07/11
$1977.32 Stock
$13.65 Cash
Total $1990.97

Balance: End of Week 29 08/05/11
$2,466.26 Stock
$30.38 Cash
Total $2,496.64

Since Inception: -1.49%

Excluding cash inflow of $535.50 we have a balance of $1,961.14. 

All I can say is wow!  I started to buy a little early and I was caught with major losses last week.  The recent credit rating downgrade over the weekend was definitely a surprise.  I can say I haven’t loss this much money since my gambling days at the casino playing blackjack.  Sell offs like today are uncontrollable and they do happen from time to time.  Panic selling, hedge funds deleveraging, and fund manager trying to move their money to some safe haven stock.  I’m here to tell you to sit tight and don’t panic.  You can’t beat the volatility at this current moment.  If you go straight to cash after taking huge losses from last week and today, I promise you that a major move to the upside will be missed.  I can’t predict when this will occur, but to sell now would be outright foolish! 

I felt like selling today, but what’s the point?  I was already down huge at 9:30 this morning and I’m fully confident my stocks will outperform and shine in the coming months.  Yes, I reinvested my money back into Weatherford International (WFT) last week.  The story is too good to pass up.  When the top oil service company (SLB) states they don’t have enough equipment to supply the demand for the oil drillers, that’s a great problem to have.  And Apple (AAPL) is a no brainer.  I lost a ton of money today.  I know you did as well.  Stay the course and stocks will prevail! Think about it!  Stocks had great earnings this quarter and yet they received no love.  Now that the market as a whole is much cheaper the value buyers will step in shortly and create a floor. 

Have a great night!    

Current Holdings:
Apple (AAPL)
Cosi Inc. (COSI)
Weatherford International (WFT)


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