Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Weatherford International (WFT) Up 17% In The Past Week

Just wanted to bring Weatherford International back to every one's attention.  I stated a little over a week ago that this stock has been beaten down beyond belief and would snap back aggressively when the energy stocks come back into favor.  Keep your eye on this monster of a stock.  They report earnings on July 20 and this date could possibly be the next big catalyst for this stock.  It has run up quite a bit over the last week so be cautious.  If you want to buy this stock wait for the stock to pullback a bit and edge in slowly into this stock.  If the negative news dissipates off the oil company's you should see even more money come back into the energy stocks. (Hopefully President Obama doesn't crush the oil companies to bad tonight @ 8:00)  With oil gaining strength I see WFT coming back as a favorite. From last Tuesday WFT hit a low of $12.34 and closed up today @ $14.45.  That is a 17% move to the upside.  All I know is there is money flowing back into this company.  So all of you have an opportunity to get in at lower prices before WFT gets on a roll again! 

I do have to reiterate that I do personally own this stock as I have a bias for this oil service gem, but I can't deny that its a good one.  Please do your homework and if you take my advice than I hope it works out for you.  I'm here to help and offer my opinion of the best stocks I think will do well in the future.

Thank You,


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