Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Positive Spin On Your 401K

A Positive Spin On Your 401K

I had a recent conversation regarding the fact that many people aren't taking advantage of their employers 401K program.  This is very shocking to me as it's one of the easiest ways to add additional money to your retirement.  I decided to go back and update the original article I posted back in 2010.  The numbers are updated to reflect the current investing landscape.  Enjoy!

Investing in your 401K is essential.  Everyone should be taking advantage of their 401K program at work. And I mean everyone!  If you have a 401K program you already know that it has many great advantages.

1. Tax deferred.  You don't have to pay taxes on your contributions until you retire.

2. 401K reduces your taxable income.  This could potentially put you in a lower tax bracket. 

3. Employer Match.  Many employers offer a match to your contribution.  An example would be .50 on every $1.00 you contribute up to 6% of your annual salary. (Plans may vary)

4. 401K money comes right out of your check.  You never see the money and its a great way to force yourself to invest for your future.

Those 4 examples are reasons to take advantage of your 401K.  I would like to add another advantage that is straight up mind blowing! (The only catch is your employer must match your contributions)

Investing in your 401K is essentially a hidden raise from your employer.  Everyone wants a raise.  Right?  Here is a perfect opportunity for a raise and you don't even have to be a standout employee at your work.  I will explain. Get ready!


 -Your current salary is $48,000 and your employer matches .50 for every $1.00 up to 6% of your annual salary. 

 - 6% of your salary is $2,880.  That means your employer will contribute up to $1,440 a year. 

 -Add that $1,440 to your $48,000 and you just received a 3% raise.  That's the easiest 3% you will ever earn.

You may argue that you are decreasing your annual income by $2,880 since that is what you must contribute to take advantage of the match from your employer.  You are correct!  The raise is being deposited into your retirement account.  Your technically not losing any money.  You are moving your money to an account that shouldn’t be used until retirement.  You are getting a raise that has delayed gratification written all over it! Now check out these numbers!  The numbers below provide the evidence behind a once in a lifetime raise.  A phenomenal deal by your employer that you can't refuse!

-Next we will take the $1,440 that your employer matched from your $2,880 contribution and invest it in the stock market for 30 yrs. (You could have multiple employers over the 30 yrs)

-I like to use a 9% return as this is roughly what the S&P 500 has returned historically.

-Take the $1,440 contributed for 30 yrs at a 9% rate of return and you get $213,948.31.  (Total contribution of $43,200 from your employer.) 

-Now take the $213,948.31 and divide by 30.  You get roughly $7,131.

Your employer just gave you a $7,131 raise over 30 years.  Add that to your $48,000 annual salary and your new salary is $55,131.  I call this the delayed gratification raise! I'll take that raise all day long!

In the end your 3% delayed raise from your employer turned out to be a 14.85% raise

$7,131/$48,000 = .1485 or 14.85% My suggestion to all is to go into work Monday morning and give yourself a 14.85% delayed gratification raise.  You deserve it! 

I'm not done just yet.  While your employer was contributing $1,440 you were also putting in $2,880 ($7.89 a day) a year.

That means over 30 yrs your total contributions would be $4,320 a year.  Invest that number at 9% for 30 yrs. and you will have accumulated roughly $641,844.94! It's that simple.

That’s a nice chunk of change for taking advantage of an employer’s match.  Along the path of 30 years I would expect you would be adding value to your employer in return for additional compensation.  That would change the math and the $641,844.94 would be the low end of the range for retirement.  With compound interest on your side there is great potential for higher returns. 

A 9% return seems conservative compared to the recent returns in the market, but I also want everyone to have a realistic retirement.  It all depends on what window of history you wish to choose to get your information.  Over the past 5 years the S&P 500 has returned roughly 14.50%.  If you used the same math as above, you will have accumulated $1,947,805.58.  I don’t anticipate those returns to continue, but as you can see it’s a substantially different outcome.  The point is to start early and invest for your future.  Eventually your money will be working for you!

Happy Investing!


Questions-feel free to send an email to

I'm not a licensed financial advisor. All recommendations is strictly my personal opinion and the information is intended for learning purposes only. Invest at your own risk!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

The financial cost of eating out for lunch

The financial cost of eating out for lunch

Today I’m going to discuss the true financial cost of eating out for lunch.  You may be wondering as to where I’m going with this.  Some people may say, eating out is no big deal.  Everyone does it.  I deserve to treat myself. Since this is a investing blog there will be a investing twist.  I noticed over the years of my 20+ years of being in the workforce that eating out can get expensive.  I for one enjoy going out to lunch on occasion, but predominantly I pack a lunch daily.  This has always been a topic of discussion and a thought I have had for many years that eating out is very costly overtime.  I never decided to truly investigate up until a couple weeks ago I bought McDonald's for my wife and I.  I don’t remember the exact dollar amount, but the total was over $13.00. 
                The $13.00 bill caught my attention.  I said you must be kidding me talking to myself and laughing as I pulled away from the McDonald's drive thru.  That is when I decided to dig a little deeper and quantify the true cost of eating out.  I’m going to use my favorite fast food spots and food selections to run the numbers.  Now instead of spending money on eating out I wanted to see what that same money invested in the stock market based off an average 8% rate of return would look like.  I based the length of time invested off 20, 25 and 30 years.  The results were amazing.  See for yourself!
-McDonald's-Quarter Pounder with cheese meal/$6.35
-Panera- Frontega Chicken/$8.55
-Jimmy Johns- Turkey Tom/$5.59

There is an ever-growing concern of people not having enough money saved for retirement. The primary objective behind analyzing eating out for lunch was to provide one of the many ways to uncover money that we could use for retirement.  By saving as little as $5.59 a week by choosing to not eat out once a week will provide you with $52,596 invested for 30 years at an average 8% return towards retirement.  You can see by the numbers that contributing more will only put every one of us in a better position financially for retirement.  It’s never too late to start.  Hopefully, I was able to provide a different perspective on how to save.  That by choosing to save a little money over time can turn into a substantial amount of money.  Compound interest is a beautiful thing and should utilized on the path towards retirement.

Below is the compound interest calculator I used to provide the numbers given in the examples.  It’s a very helpful tool to use to get a quick answer on compounded returns.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Questions-feel free to send an email to

I'm not a licensed financial advisor. All recommendations is strictly my personal opinion and the information is intended for learning purposes only. Invest at your own risk!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Big Picture Of Investing

Good Morning,

I was reading through some old posts and this is a good one to recycle back into 2017.  I may not be posting new information, but I still have the fire of investing.  This was originally posted in June of 2012. Happy Reading!!!
Over the past few weeks I've been thinking about investing as a whole.  Why do people invest?  Why don't people invest? What's the best way to invest? What's the best company to invest in?  And the list goes on with all the questions that ran through my mind.  I'm going to tell you what I think.

Investing in stocks is a way to leverage profits generated from great companies over many years in hopes for a nice return on your investment.  Investing is a tool to reach your particular financial goal.  Goals that may include saving for your children's college, supplemental income, funding for charity/programs and retirement. Of course I hear people say investing in stocks is risky!  Those are usually the people that think investing in CD's and savings accounts is a good idea.  Or they have no money because they own one of everything.  That my friends is keeping up with the Joneses!  I can address both of these issues and suggest a way to have your money working for you.

I don't mean to offend anyone that may own CD's or have a substantial amount of money in their savings account,  but I believe investing in stocks is a better alternative. 

I would never invest in CD's aka Certificate of Deposit.  Never! Never! Never!  Here's why.

Current Example:  10 yr CD Rate vs. stock that pays the same dividend yield

$10,000 investment

10 yr CD Rate 2.23% $10,000 would roughly turn into $12,467.62 That's about $246.76 a year.

Now you may say well if the rates are the same it should return the same amount of money.  This is true, but stocks offer dividend reinvestment, appreciation in the stock price, and increased dividend payout.  That's the game changer! 

A stock that raises its dividend distribution 10% annually for 10 yrs would turn into $14,840.08  That's $2,372.46 more than the same amount of money invested.  Almost double the money!  Obviously doing this for 30-40 yrs would be substantial to your portfolio.

At 30 yrs $10,000 invested in a CD with a rate of 2.23% would turn into $19,379.87

30 yrs with a stock that pays a 2.23% dividend yield and raises dividend distribution 10% annually (Remember dividends are reinvested) turns into a whopping $433,637.11  Over 30 yrs annualized return with dividends reinvested equates to 13.39% return on your money.

Obviously, this is purely an example and is very realistic for a company to increase dividends at a rate of 10%.  That means the CD investors are missing out on a lot of money!  $400,000 of cold hard cash.  Even if I'm off by a bit the return on dividend paying companies that increase their dividend payout consistently overtime will destroy a CD!!!!!  The risk is well worth the reward...

CD rates will go up over the next 30 years, but you get the point!

The example above shows that $10,000 of your money has the potential to turn into something great!  Using stocks as a vehicle to generate the money for you.  Imagine trying to save $400,000 on your own.  Let's say you made $50,000 a year and saved roughly 10% or $5000 per year.  Without the help of an investment vehicle compounding over time it would take 80 years to save that kind of money.  That means at my current age of 30 I would be able to save $400,000 by the time I'm 110. No thanks man!

Now as for a savings account the interest is much worse and I don't consider this an investment.  A savings account is meant for emergencies and short term liquidity.  Having 3-6 months of expenses in a savings account is the most anyone should have tied up in something that isn't keeping up with inflation.  Once your savings is built I would put the rest of your money to work for you.   Consider each dollar you save as an employee.  Invest in assets not liabilities, whether it be equities, real estate, commodities etc etc.... Overtime your money will grow aka your employees and you will have a nice chunk of change generating income every year.  Eventually, your money will create enough income to replace your earnings you bring in as an employee, which in turn leads to retirement!  Retirement or a choice to do anything your heart desires... It's always great to have choices. 

Lastly,  the part of about keeping up with the Joneses is by far the biggest wealth destroyer.  It's sad to see people deeply in debt because they want to impress their friends.  Continually buying stuff that you can't afford over your lifetime will put you in the poor house.  The only person you are making rich are the banks and credit card companies.  The next time you buy something think to yourself do I really need this crap?  Most of the time its a want and not a need.  Buying toys overtime is good in moderation.  Just think!  Eventually your investments will generate enough income that you can go buy anything that you would like.  Buying stuff you can't afford early on in life will dramatically slow down your opportunity to create tremendous wealth.  I promise you that!  I was that guy in college.  I was so broke I couldn't even think straight!  I have learned from my mistakes early on in my life and I'm grateful for that. 

This is the reason why I'm so passionate about teaching others to invest for their future.  The winning equation is to buy more assets than liabilities throughout our lives.  That's it! Plain and simple.

Have a great night!


Full Disclosure

Current Holdings:
Cosi Inc. (COSI)-Monster Portfolio
Caterpillar (CAT)
Westport Innovations (WPRT) Monster Portfolio
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMP)

I'm not a licensed financial advisor. All recommendations is strictly my personal opinion and the information is intended for learning purposes only. Invest at your own risk!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Caterpillar Q2 2012 Earnings Breakdown!

So I was able to put in a little work last weekend.  I listened to CAT and Westport's conference call.  Both calls were very positive.  I want to focus on Caterpillar's numbers tonight.  LOL!  Only because I wrote down the key stats of the call. Westport will come later.  Apple and Weatherford are still in the Que.  I can happily say all of these stocks are up quite substantially since the last time I wrote!

I know a lot of you are looking for a Westport (WPRT) update.  The progress towards natural gas infrastructure and the adoption of this phenomenal technology is gaining tremendous momentum!  If that isn't enough of a sneak peak, then all I can say is there was a reason for the +12.86% pop last Friday 08/03.  Westport has a great future!  I can say that my largest stake in all of my brokerage accounts is in Westport Innovations.  I'm putting my money where my mouth is!

Now let's move onto the Peoria Power House!  Better known as Caterpillar! (CAT)  Another great performance.  I wouldn't expect nothing less than greatness!

Let the list begin

-Had record quarterly profits. The highest profit in it's 87 year history
-yoy $2.54 eps vs. $1.52 (earnings per share) That's a 67.10% increase vs last year!
-Sales and Revenue came in at $17.374 billion vs. $14.230 billion (a 22.0% increase vs 2011)
-Full year outlook increased from $9.50 a share to $9.60 on roughly 68-70 billion in revenue
-Inventories decreased in China, as equipment has been allocated to other areas of the world
-Backlog of equipment is still at a solid $28.2 billion (An increase of 11% vs last year)
-Gas compression business is doing quite well
-Some mining equipment have lead times into 2014
-A 31% organic growth in mining

This is a small list that I derived from the call, but this is only the start.  From what I heard Caterpillar's management is confident in their earnings outlook through 2012.  They did provide caution in China and slow growth in United States and other areas of the world for 2012, but did mention they see a brighter future in 2013.  That being said we are investing for the future earnings!  With the continued monetary easing in China and other areas of the world CAT believes this will help improve the global economy, which should spark growth in the next 12-24 months.  With the current commodity prices many companies still continue to have an appetite for CAT's equipment.  The backlog is impressive and should be a positive indicator as to the strength of this company.

In my personal opinion CAT has more than came through this quarter.  Even with the economic headwinds this company was able to generate record profits.  The management is excellent and they know how to execute to create strong results.  Although caution was given the stock has been destroyed.  At $87.22 a share the stock is trading at a P/E of 9.75 vs the S&P 500 P/E of 14.6.  This is substantially lower.  CAT should easily be trading at the same P/E level as the S&P 500.  Put that into the equation and this stock would be trading at $130.00 a share.  Last earnings call I mentioned Caterpillar should be trading at $130.00 a share by year end and I believe it still has a chance.  If anything it should break through its 52 week high of $116.95 by year end.  A 35% price appreciation in the next 5 months is definitely not out of the question. 

In the end CAT is a steal at $87 a share and should be bought at these price levels.  Once it blows through $92 a share the momentum will carrier this solid company past the $100 mark and onto its 52 week high!  Plus the stock currently pays a dividend that provides a 2.40% yield

Currently I have a nice position in Caterpillar and plan on purchasing more in the near future.  I have confidence and so should you!

Have a great night!


Current Holdings:
Cosi Inc. (COSI)-Monster Portfolio
Caterpillar (CAT)
Westport Innovations (WPRT) Monster Portfolio
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMP)

I'm not a licensed financial advisor. All recommendations is strictly my personal opinion and the information is intended for learning purposes only. Invest at your own risk!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Big Earnings Week For My Favorites!

Apple (AAPL) Reports tomorrow.  Always a solid earnings report.  If they beat earnings I expect a nice pop in after hours.  Can the Monster of the stock market continue on?  We will find out tomorrow after the market closes.

Weatherford International (WFT) reports tomorrow.  Obviously, this stock hasn't had a very good run.  The oil service giant SLB and BHI did fairly well because of international strength.  The oil service companies usually trade together so I expect a good number from WFT.

Caterpillar (CAT)  The Peoria Powerhouse! Cat reports on Wednesday 07/25/12.  This one is a toss up.  Cat hit a high of $116.95 on February 24th and is trading at a huge bargain.  I still have confidence that CAT will prevail.  Their earnings may disappoint with the downward pressure from the international markets, but I believe this news is already baked into the stock price.  CAT is at rock bottom prices.  That's all I'm going to say! 

As usual I will be picking apart all three of these companies and will have a full report over the next few weeks on my take for the future of these companies.

Have a great night!


Full Disclosure:  I personally own CAT