Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Did a little research since last week in regards to Apple and Caterpillar's earnings.  From listening to Apple's conference call and reading Cat's earnings transcript 2012 should be yet another great year for both of these companies.  Below is the link to Apple's earnings call.

This is where I get all of my information. These calls are the key to my success in picking winning stocks.  Management plays a huge part in the price of the companies stock.  Great management equals higher stock prices.  Investing in quality companies comes down to confidence.  Confidence brings great quality investors, which is what you want when putting your hard earned money on the line. 

Apple (AAPL) is a perfect example of a company that has great management.  I enjoy listening to Tim Cook, Apple's CEO and Peter Oppenheimer, Apple's CFO.  These are the guys that help you make a decision on Apple's future.  This particular call was very upbeat.

-record sales in 3 of their 4 major products
-strong sales activity in the U.S.
-continued demand for the iPhone 4S.  The channel inventory is lower than they predicted, which means they are moving them as fast as they can make them!
-Mac sales were up 26% yoy (year over year), that growth destroys the PC growth.
-Apple stores increased foot traffic in excess of 40% vs last year.
-Siri the iPhone 4S assistant has been a real hit.
-Increased convenience of purchasing Apple's products online.  You can purchase most products online and pick them up just a few hours later at your nearest Apple store. (I like this feature!)
- iPhone 4S first quarter results didn't include sales in mainland China, due to release in January

Those were just a few of the things I heard on this conference call.  In the end Apple will continue to outperform the market.  The stock hit a 52 week high of $458.99 today, but I'm not a buyer just yet.  If I were to purchase Apple it would be initiated around $435 a share.  I need a little pullback...

Caterpillar (CAT) will be next up for discussion later this week. One thing I can tell you is the Peoria Powerhouse will shine in 2012.

P.S.  Westport Innovations (WPRT) down -7.74%  This stock is to hot to handle.  It looks like I will have another shot at purchasing WPRT in the near future, before WPRT takes off again.  Natural gas is the future bridge fuel for the United States.  I expect a lot of activity to continue with businesses continuing to switch over to natural gas vehicles in order to save on fuel costs.  Be ready!  This type of stock doesn't come around very often.

I have yet to make a stock purchase in 2012!  I'm waiting to pull the trigger.

Have a great night!
