Thursday, December 2, 2010

We have ourselves a Bull Market Rally!

What an excellent week for stocks! Man I love making money in such a short period of time. This is the time to get excited about being invested in stocks! All the time and effort you put into finding that perfect stock and boom a big week! I can’t get enough of this game. It’s a game leaning in your favor. It’s the total opposite of the casino.

It drives me nuts when people say investing in the stock market is like gambling at the casino. Give me a break! If that was true can someone please explain the success of Warren Buffett? The success of how he is worth over $40 Billion from investing in stocks. After that great story is told walk the street and find a gambler. I guarantee you that person’s net worth doesn’t amount to a hill of beans! Rich people don’t gamble. Remember that!

I can’t even tell you how much money I have lost at the Casino when I was in college. I kid you not; I would probably have a nice little trading fund in excess of $25,000. No that’s not how much money I actually lost, but that money would have generated some serious gains over the past 10 years. I consider going to a Casino high priced entertainment and that’s about it. Of course its fun, but it won’t lead you to riches. Investing involves educating yourself in business and how to spot trends of companies that are winning with money. You find a company that continues to grow in value and you invest your money to grow with that company. That’s it! Plain and simple.

Who says you can’t make money in the stock market? Only those that have never made a dime, are misinformed and not educated about how the stock market truly works. I don’t know about you, but 1 day of trading and I can make more money than a person can all year + some in a high interest savings account.

Example: Of course I’m going to mention one of my favorite picks!

Westport Innovations (WPRT) up 4.10% today closed at $19.30 a share

4% in one day! A savings account barely pulls 1% per year at the current interest rates. It would take you 4+ years to make what WPRT did in a day.

I will risk my money everyday of the week for that reward! The reward outweighs the risk.

2nd great example: I just sold a portion of my holdings in Weatherford International (WFT) only because it has ran up from $17.00 to over $21.00 a share in about a month.

I was in at $17.99 a share and I sold a portion of my holdings into strength at $21.29 a share. That’s an 18.3% return! Back to my first example vs. a savings account it would take over 18 years to make the money I did in a single month!

All I’m trying to say is that anyone can make money investing in stocks if they take some time to do the proper research. You have to make investing fun in order to make money. When a person is having fun they will likely pay closer attention to their investments. If you don’t pay attention you have the potential to lose a lot of money.

That being said I’m all fired up this week. Stocks are working! Jobs are coming back and retail sales were up. The after Thanksgiving sale was a hit! That is a positive sign towards recovery. People are starting to spend money.

Apple (AAPL) is working closed at $318.15 a share less than a dollar of its 52 week high

Caterpillar (CAT) working like a charm trading at its 52 week high of $88.62

Weatherford (WFT) trading at its 52 week high of $21.19 a share

Westport Innovations (WPRT) getting ready to break out! Up 4.10 % at $19.30 a share

Intel (INTC) Up over 6% this month and continuing on an upward trend higher

Money is being made!


Now lets change gears and discuss my findings on SodaStream (SODA)

I said I was going to come back to SodaStream (SODA) after Tuesday and I’m glad I told everyone to wait to buy this stock because it was crushed on Tuesday as it plummeted down 20.6% It lost $8.60 a share. Not to worry. Remember this stock went public and closed at $24.12 on the first trading day a month ago. It was at $41.60 on Monday 11/29/10. That’s a 72.4% move. That was a perfect time for investors to sell.

Soda actually had decent numbers and I continue to believe this stock will go higher. Revenues increased 51.7% in the 3rd qtr. That’s huge! The sell off had to do with profit taking and uncertainty. With the increased exposure into the U.S. market Soda has plenty of potential for growth. I don’t want to get into all the details of the conference call, but being a new company takes time for investors to adjust to management. I can say the CFO didn’t answer to many specific questions. He gave a lot of generic answers and very little information for SODA’s future earnings. I would keep SodaStream on the radar. I’m a buyer in the upper 20’s if it gets there. Beware of the volatility! This stock is crazy!

Check out the earnings call for yourself.

(Recent post on Soda)

Have a great night! Man stocks are hot!


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